Friday, May 28, 2010

Population Clock

Click here to view the current world population.

What is the message in the cartoon displayed on the right?


  1. But it seems like no-ones is dyeing. The number doesn't go down at all it just goes up!

    -Peter Freitag 7E

  2. Whoooaaaaah, that is a big #! It's amazing that there are any resources left!!!

  3. The world's population is about 6,847,812,600. People are dieing and being born at the same time!

  4. That's a lot of people! I watched for a long time, and the numbers are most of the time increasing, and rarely are they decreasing.
    The cartoon represents that the population is so big that there are not enough resources for us.

  5. Wow... The numbers are changing by the second! I didn't think people would be dying and being born that quickly! No wonder the "resources" are getting tired out.

  6. WOAH!
    The population count was:
    when i saw it.

  7. it'll probably break through 7 billion in a few hours or at least tomorrow.

    Tthe picture is saying that every baby that is born is just another person to destroy the earth.

  8. WOW! There sure are a lot of people in the world, and the number is still increasing!

    Julia G. 7F

  9. That's so cool!
    the population constantly increases. I think that eventually the world will become overpopulated and due to limited living space and resources, the population will decrease or we'll have to colonize on the moon which is very unlikely.

    -------Demos 7E

  10. That clock sure is going fast. It is kind of scary.
    -Shahriyar Haider 7a

  11. i hate to say it and you can call me evil if you want but what if we made a law that would limit the amounts of kids. maybe people with an excessive amount of kids should pay high taxes or something. yes it would be hard to enforce but it could at least slow down the problem.
    Adam 7E

  12. Watching the numbers go up every second is both scary and really cool.
    But can the earth support so many people? That is the question.

    -Annique 7F

  13. Wow. As everyone said, it's scary but cool at the same time! There are billions of people, but our amazing mother nature can support us all. Can you believe it???WOW. I didn't know that babies could be born so fast. But than again, I never realize that thworld is s BIG!!!

  14. How does the site know when somebody is born.
    For example, in Africa, they have limited technology and some communities live in places where there isn't ANY technology, so how is it possible to keep track of how many people die and how many people are born every second?

  15. I will move to another planet asap once i can.(I hear mars is a bit chilly but the sunsets are nice)
    its actually bad that a lot of people are healthy because then they live longer and occupy the planet taking up resources.
    "live long and then let die"

    matthew slater7i

    p.s. its getting really hard to understand the makeup word you have to type in

  16. adam 7e: I agree, but natural twins or triplets should be allowed as an exception to that law because it cannot be prevented. But after that, yes there should be a law if the overall pop. gets too high.

    Matthew slater 7i

  17. ♪♫♪ Devynne ♪♫♪June 1, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    It's sad to imagine how many people die in the matter of seconds...

  18. that's crazy how the numbers go up that fast!!
    and this isn't related, but i found this very cool article and i wanted to share, its very interesting! :

  19. How do they get the info for this? What if a baby is born in the middle of no where and nobody knows...

    I suppose that it's just an approximation/educated guess...
    But it's still pretty amazing.

  20. WOW! This is really shocking. But I have a question. How do they update the numbers so fast?

  21. How does it work?
    How does the clock know about all the births and deaths?
    Or is it just an average rate?

  22. Jonathan C. 7G
    Woww that's so cool
    Population: 6,848,897,825
    I think this is just a pattern, so its somewhat accurate but anyways really awesome..

  23. Whoa
    The population is currently 6,849,075,126

  24. someone dies evey second, but for about every3 seconds, 4 babies are born. thts not good at all.
    gabi g 7b

  25. This is just an average rate right, how would you be able to know how many people die and are born every second?


  27. If you go to the actual website:
    then it tell you a whole bunch of other stuff too like energy, water, food and other resources.

  28. The numbers are an average, estimated rate.

    Tom Suchecki 7G

  29. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously! so every second a baby is born and a person dies? ok tht is really werd! okayyyyyyyyy. im kinda freaked out right now! But thx for posting!!!! :)

  30. Whoa, when will we reach our carrying capacity?

  31. It is crazy how many people are being born all the time! I wonder haw many more people the earth can sustain. We better slow down...and fast! The picture is saying the amount of recources we have are having a hard time "carrying" us all.

  32. Hi Leslie,

    The cartoon is saying that as the world population increases, there will be a higher demand for non renewable resources. Also, how do you get to the other world population clock that you showed us in class?

  33. It's slower for humans to reach their carrying capacity because we have no natural predator except for other humans.

    The clock is representing the population number of humans. If that's only humans, imagine how many organisms there are in total...

  34. the cartoon is showing how quickly the human population is growing; theres usually 1 stork to 1 baby (in cartoons of course. im smart enough to know that babies dont come from storks by now. ) =)
    gabi g 7b

  35. and to add to my last comment; we're running out of nonrenewable resources. ( i ddnt see that the stork had a sign saying "resourse") a sign like that can change alot.
    gabi g 7b

  36. this seriously freaks me out.... I wonder when they started the clock

  37. this is really scary...
    it scares me to see the people dying...

  38. WOW our world is really populated!
    what are we going to do when there's no space left?
    I'm learning about so many problems we have on earth that i didn't think were that big of deal! this is terrible!
    -Monel Reina 7F

  39. But people don't hand in the census every second, so how do they know it every second?

    --Pia Koh, 7B

  40. How do people keep track of this? How does the clock work???
