Thursday, May 27, 2010

Invasive Species

Did you know that the Asian Carp, a non native species in the US, has already disrupted the ecosystem in the Mississippi River and is now headed towards Lake Michigan? How did the carp get here in the first space? What effect will the Asian Carp have on the ecosystem and native fish populations?

Voracious Invader May Be Nearing Lake Michigan

Fight Against Asian Carp Threatens Fragile Great Lake Unity First Traces of Asian

Carp Found in Lake Michigan


  1. humans selfishness backfires on themselves. we probably disrupted the Asian carp's environment so they move and disrupt another area, everything goes wacko, and we get infected in the process. lesson: don't mess with mother nature

  2. Yes, I agree w/ radhika. It's all humans fault that our world is all disrupted. if we didn't try bending the rules of nature so much, there would be no global warming and holes in the ozone...

  3. The fish have repopulated, the environmentalists need to take them back to Asia. They are killing American fish!!!

  4. Oh my gosh, I really want to read the articles, but for some reason they're not loading! Gosh, it's so annoying!

  5. what lives in lake michigan anyway???

  6. This sorta relates to Lao-tse(from ELA). We disrupted "the way" and now it's causing problems.

  7. It's sad that people call the Asian Carp and other forein organisms "evil" when it's really us that "evil" because we started the mess.

  8. i agree with radhika- we humans are destroying the earth and were going to regret it.
    ``mari 7h

  9. Migration of animals should not be disrupted, the Asian carp should be free to go wherever they want. Let mother nature take it's course,whatever is on the top of the food chain should be able to eat whatever it wants even in the great lakes.

    -----Demos 7E

  10. JuanCarlos the AwesomeMay 31, 2010 at 9:37 AM

    I once saw a nat geographic documentary on these "snake fish". They were a death meal, given to someone when they were ready to die. But some pople got miraculously better, so the buyers of these live snakefish released them into the wild. problem was that these fish could breathe both air and water. so they migrated to other lakes and infected them. I didn't see the rest but it seemed pretty serious.

  11. i agree with Radhika and whoever else agreed with her. I dont agree with demos however, the Asian Carp should be free to migrate but not to lake Michigan! Its disrupting the ecosystem and it's hurting other fish species.
    _annique 7F

  12. Wouldn't nature provide an enemy of the carp after many generations of them living in the Mississippi?

    Aren't humans (in a different way) invasive as well?
    We have predators, sure, but they don't kill us very often.
