Thursday, April 8, 2010

Male Reproductive System

Click here to access a website with information on the male reproductive system.
On the website you will find links to articles with useful information on human general health. Which articles and pieces of information did you find more interesting?
1. Where does meiosis occur in males?
2. What is the product of meiosis in males?
3. What is the main hormone produced by the testicles?
4. What is the function of this male hormone?
5. Can you identify and describe the function of three organs of the male reproductive system?


  1. thanks, i thought 1. Where does meiosis occur in males? was more interesting ^^

    -Gordon Yang

  2. That was really helpful in helping me understand the male reproductive system! It was also REALLY confusing, it didn't know a lot of the material.
    Thanks so much Leslie!

  3. Thanks for both of them Leslie. They really helped

  4. Hi Leslie,

    Thanks for posting the articles. They were really helpful in clearing some things up and they helped me with the homework. It's just amazing how a tiny egg and sperm cell can unite and form into full grown human.

  5. This is interesting, because some of this this material is a bit complex. I think that having more info/examples to rely on is useful. Thanks Leslie!!

  6. Is this the most embarrasing part of the year? Having to teach 4 classes about the male and female reproductive systems? It was awkward for all of
    us, but it must be the worst for you. Although it's a good thing you're teaching us this, because we're going to learn this sooner or later.

  7. oh Leslie u are such a lifesaver!!
    I put a note on my hw saying i was very confused but this will definitely help!!!!
    LEila 7f

  8. 3. Testosterone is produced
    4. enhancement of male corporeal(physical) traits/characteristics, as well as creation of sperm.


  9. r we going to go any more deeper in cancer cells

  10. Thanks Leslie! That was really helpful in terms of review/practice of yesterday's lesson and for my knowledge. :)

  11. This was really explanatory about the structure of the male reproductive system, but what does the prostate gland produce?
    -Gideon 7E

  12. Thanks Leslie.
    It was helpful.

    Michael N. 7I

  13. I can't say that this topic was fun, but it was definitely something different.

    Are schools required to teach about male and female reproductive systems? i don't think you would choose to teach this with your own free will.

    I know i wouldnt

    -Demos Sfakianakis

  14. Anonymous is correct. Do you have to teach this kind of stuff? Not being immature, but I know Leslie wouldn't want to teach this kind of stuff, would she...?

    -Omar Hegazy, 7A

  15. I now have a bette understanding of the male reproductive system. =)
