Thursday, April 8, 2010

Female Reproductive System

Click here to access a website about the female reproductive system. On the website, click on the diagram of the female reproductive system, and then if you click on each of the organs a bubble will appear with information about the organ.
1. What are the main female hormones?
2. What hormones stimulate the gonads to produce their hormones?


  1. Just like the male reproductive system post, this one was also very helpful! An again, I am VERY confused with the material.
    Thank you so much for giving me a good background information for the reproductive system!

  2. i thought that the article was very interesting and informational. I found the diagram more helpful and clear though. Thanks!

  3. This helped me understand it better. Like Owen said, it was very helpful. Thanks, Leslie!

    ~Jiaming 7B

  4. this explains a lot!
    pas mal
    i read some of the links too...its funny how they all had six pages

  5. over the break when i saw this, i was just like whoa i don't think i was here when we learned this. Today even though it was really awkward, the lesson was very informative which is a good thing

  6. thanks for posting this ad other helpful sites.this is actually a pretty confusing unit. i thought it would be easy. what exactly is fertilization? -gabi g

  7. The diagram was very helpful. Thanks Leslie

  8. The two primary female hormones are progesterone and estrogen. Thanks for posting the link to this website. Also, I was wondering if we are going to be having a test any time soon???

    ERIN A. FLYNN 7H :)

  9. Thanks once again Leslie! This was REALLY helpful! i am glad to know about my body when it reaches this stage when i am older.

  10. To gabi: i think fertilization is when the sperm reaches the egg and like I dont remember now, but then i think its the process like how they join and when it makes an embryo. Something like that. I dont remember at the moment.

    -Maggie Z. 7F

  11. Since i am hoping to have kids, i am going to be remembering you when my wife gives birth! :)

    Miguel Velasquez 7A

  12. Thanks, Leslie, it was quite helpful.

    Michael N. 7I

  13. These posts really helped me study for the quiz, they also help me get a better understanding on the confusing parts!

    -Demos Sfakianakis

  14. This is really helpful, Thanks!

    -Abbey 7B

  15. I was just going over some topics and this diagram really helped me jog my memory... Thanks!!! :D
