Friday, January 29, 2010

Frog Dissection

Click here to watch a video of a frog dissection. How do the organs or the frog compare to that of the human? How are they different?


  1. this is so interesting and gross at the same time...

  2. Hi Leslie,

    Thanks for posting this video about frog dissection. I didn't realize how similar a frog's body is to a human's. Anyways, it was really interesting and it should help me a lot when we actually do it in class.

  3. Wow! The frog's organ systems are almost exactly like our's (except for the three chambered heart and the reproductive system, which I really have no idea about).
    This video definitely gave me a good basis and background information to the frog anatomy, now I'll be prepared for the frog dissection (yay)!
    Thanks Leslie!

  4. This video was great since my class did not do the frog dissection yet, and now I have a basic idea of what it will be like. It doesn't seem that gross, just tedious.
    **Erin Flynn 7H

  5. Sorry Erin, but it's gross AND tedious...
    Whoever says yay, that's just wrong...
    Not that i dont want to dissect a frog but i'm not exactly looking foward to it either...

    On the upside,... at least it doesn't smell!

    Michael N. 7I

  6. That was disgusting!! i could barely stand watching the video so imagine doing it in lab! i may have to leave the room im not sure!
    ~Jamila Amanfu 7B

  7. oh wow, it seems to me, that when we cut up the frog then we'll be able to see the frog's organs MUCH clearer than a worm's organs when we had cut it up

  8. I can't wait to do it. It was so fun to dissect a
    worm. I've always wanted to dissect a worm and a frog.This video was really helpful because it prepared me for the frog dissection.

  9. Hopefully it won't smell as bad as the worms did..
    but the pickles smelled awesome!
    **Demos Sfakianakis

  10. ekkk. i found that pretty gross!. but i enjoyed disecting the worm. becuase you got to see these organs that are so tiny and contrast and compare to your organs, not becuase i like taking apart dead things! but when wathching the video i got a scence on how stacked up the organs are in the body.thanks!

  11. I never realized how similar some of our organ systems are to those of a frog! The video helped me know what to expect during the dissection. I can't wait to dissect a frog now! Thank you Leslie!

  12. BLECH!! that is nasty but very interesting at the same time! It is so cool how the internal organs of a frog is so much a like a human's internal organs. Except the frog has a 3 chmbered heart and humans have a 4 chambered heart. Thank you for showing us what it will be like to DISECT A FROG!! by the way, Will it smell when we disect the frogs because the smell of the worms was just blechy and i cant imagine what the frog will smell like. Anyways thank you sooo much for posting that video!!
    vivian 7h

  13. It is interesting to compare frogs to humans.

    Just wondering,is a frog more like a earthworm or a human???

  14. It was pretty cool to watch the frog dissection. but i'm not so sure i'll like doing the frog dissection at lab. But i'm sure i'll learn a lot of things.
    Will we (the class) be able to touch the frog's intestines?
    -Annique W. 7F

  15. wow so cool

    zach 7e

  16. YES! I'm really excited to do it because i like to look at its nasty guts and stuff. Also, I'm wondering if we'll ever get to kill a frog in the future. And then we'd get to chase it around the room and everything.
    -Pia Koh

  17. What parts of the frog compare to animals that live underwater?

  18. Hey Leslie,
    It really surprises me that our internal organs are accurately the same to Frogs! Are we going to do the same exact process of disecting a frog?
    Although it would be quite disgusting, I think it will be fun learning about the internal parts of a frog even though its so much smaller than us.
    Anyway thank you so much for posting this video... it gave me a heads up on what its going to be like!

  19. Are we going to dissect a female or male frog?
    -Natalie K. 7J

  20. That video, was well, sorta interesting. Just it was weird (not cause of the weirdly shaped organs) but it was like photo slides and a mouse drawing the actions of dissecting a frog.

  21. Oh god! I saw all of the body parts much easier then the body parts of the worm!

  22. My brother said that in some of Ms. Alonso's high school classes they found bugs in the stomach of the frog that werent chewed but whole. Thats pretty cool.
    Shahriyar Haider 7a

    that is so nasty but at the same time so cool
    -Omar Hegazy 7A

  24. awesome, way better than dissecting a worm

  25. the internal organs of the frog are very interating, much like ours. I had not noticedthat the green was the liver until the dude said it was.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
    -SSSSS Stroh 7G

  26. Leslie, this website has an alright demo.It's not very long.

    Tom Suchecki 7G

  27. Seems waaay funner than dissecting a pickle and a worm. Looks fun, can't wait.

  28. i would of never guessed that the liver was the largest organ before this video...
    that was a HUGE surprise...
    its going to be soooo awesome!!! i can see more organs in a bigger size!!!

  29. So the liver also performs the functions of the pancreas and the stomach also performs the functions of the small intestine?

  30. This is really cool. I never thought it would be like that in a frog

  31. Is this anything like what we'll do? That frog was pretty big. I don't know if i want to do that. Can we do virtual?



  32. today during lab 7H and 7G dissected the frog. the worst part was the smell of the frogs not so much the inside. it was really cool to see the internal organs. But the liver was huge, i dint even get to see the lungs!! I thought it was really gross and cool that Theo, Matthew, and Stanley's group found a full beatle in the stomach of their frog!! really gross!! :(
    I guess right b4 the frog was killed it had swallowed a giant beetle whole!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    vivian 7H

  33. That was really cool
    I can't wait till we actually do it in class

  34. IM DOING IT TOMMOROW, YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAY hopefully i get 2 do alot of the discusting stuff i t looks like the most fun

  35. Thanks for the cool video of the frog! I hope the real frog is just as much fun to watch.

  36. hey leslie sorry you did not get my other comment
    this dissection was interesting

    -jax 7a

  37. Will we be able to cut open the stomach of the frog to see what it eat for dinner???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  38. Leslie,
    Thank you so much for posting this video!
    It was very interesting and helpful!
    Now I can't for the frog dissection!
    Thanks Again!

  39. This was uhhh... lovely. It has really helped me prepare for the frog dissection. i have to admit i was a bit nervous.
    Emily R. 7F

  40. It scares me to think that were doing that on thursday...
    I still cant stop imagining what it would be like if the frog was still ALIVE!

  41. I hope Michael still fights the barf.. he almost threw up out the window because of the chemicals in the worm dissection :D

  42. strangely enough it doesn't look as disgusting as the worm, the bigger organ will make it easier to cut. just out of curiosity when did we start using frogs and why did we chose frogs,have we ever used a different animal, besides worms and pickles. oh and are we really going to find flies?
    -Adam DeHovitz 7E

  43. will we disect the head?

  44. ISABELLA THE AWESOME IN 7BFebruary 2, 2010 at 9:28 PM

    hi leslie--
    sorry i havent commented in so long! i watched the video and it wasnt as gross as i thought is would be. :) i think it will be a lot grosser (is that a word???) in lab tomorrow :(
    anyway, it was very informative and stuff!

  45. Sophia m. 7f

    i cant wait for the frog disection its seems kind of gross but i think it would really help me understand how things work in your body. i watched the video. it was actually kind of cool. i wonder who came up with frog disections.

  46. That video helped me for today's frog dissection! Thanks Leslie. The frog was a little gross and smelly!

    -From JORDAN 7A as of Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 7:55 PM

  47. it was a little gross but it was pretty cool, it helped me understand wat to do

  48. leslie,
    this video was interesting.
    I'm not quite sure if it will vbe helpful becuase some of hte shots are from weord angles!
    Thanks for posting it!
    Emily Ruby

  49. Fia, Michael and Angela:

    very specific videos and sections. click on menu to look over different parts.

  50. The frog dissection was very cool and interesting! Was the reason the organs where colorful (liver was blue, etc.) because of dyes?

  51. I feel like I should have watched this before the dissection. It's amazing how the human and frog body systems compare.
    Gideon 7E

  52. It was a lot cooler in real life. THEO FOUND A BUG IN THE FROGS STOMACH!!!!!!! IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!

  53. It's incredible how complex an organism can be even thought every organ, tisse, etc. is made up of a similar component, the cell.

  54. That's making me puke.bbbblllllaaaa.LOL,
    but that's awesome and was fun when i tried it the other day.

  55. How do you save the video clip - I want to use it for a class this summer - not sure if we will have internet access
