Friday, February 26, 2010

Quiz 7

Happy Snow Day everyone! Stay warm and enjoy your day off:)

Quiz 7 is scheduled for Tuesday, 3/2 even though school is canceled today. See eboard for more details about this quiz. We will complete the review sheet in class on Monday, 3/1.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Protein Synthesis Animations

Click here to view an animation of protein synthesis. This is similar to the DNA replication video we watched in class.

Click here to view a second animation (note the music in the background!)

Videos from class: transcription and translation.

Still having trouble understanding protein synthesis? Click here for a step by step animation that explains all of the steps of protein synthesis in detail.

Hope these websites are helpful!

Monday, February 22, 2010

DNA Replication Animation

Click here to view an animation of the process of DNA  replication. Pretty amazing, huh?

Monday, February 15, 2010

DNA - The Basics

Do you need a refresher about DNA? Genes? Chromosomes? Proteins? Heredity? Traits? Click here for a tutorial.

Why DNA isn't your Destiny

Click here to read an article from Time Magazine about an expanding area in genetics, epigenetics. 
What is the epigenome? How did B vitamins alter the expression of the agouti gene in pregnant mice? 

What are examples of how gene expression can be changed?** What is the potential for epigentic research in the future?

So...does the environment affect gene expression????

A special thanks to Sarah Prutchenko for showing me this article:)

**Remember, epigenetics does NOT change DNA!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

IBM Pursues $1,000 Personal Genome

Did you ever wonder what your genome looks like? Wouldn't it be fantastic if doctors could personalize medicine based on your own DNA?

Click here to read an article that explains how IBM is developing new technology that will make the process of decoding individual genomes much cheaper and faster. 

Wow, technology is truly amazing! What do you think?

Ancient Man in Greenland Has Genome Decoded

Click here to read an article about how the entire genome of a man that lived 4,000 years ago was decoded.

Where did the DNA sample come from? What information were scientists about to gather about this ancient man and his people?

Wow - I thought I was getting old!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mendelian laws also apply to humans

Did you know that a pedigree can be used to trace human genetic heredity? Click here to view an animation of a pedigree of the Queen of England (the part of the family leading up to the Russian Royal House - the Romanovs). You will see how the gene for hemophilia is passed on from one generation to the next.

What type of genetic disorder is hemophilia? Who can be a carrier? Who will be affected by this disease?

Monday, February 8, 2010

How does 6 feet of DNA fit inside a tiny nucleus?

Click here to watch an animation of how DNA is tightly packed inside the nucleus of every cell. 

DNA Timeline

Do you want to know more about the history of DNA research? Click here to view an interactive timeline of important DNA events from Mendel to today.

What event or person is most fascinating to you? My favorite scientist from the timeline is Frierich Miescher. He was able to study DNA in the late 1800's by extracting pus from bandages at a local hospital. Gross and innovative the same time!!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Classical Genetics

Want to learn more about genetics? Did you know that children resemble their parents? That genes come in pairs? Click here to learn more.

Be sure to click on the links of the right as well as concept, animation, and gallery links on the bottom of the page.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vaccine study retracted

Click here to read an article from US New and World Report that states that the link between the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and autism is false. Unfortunately, scientists still do not know what causes autism and a great deal of research needs to be done in the future. 
What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think The Lancet should have published this study in first place? Why or why not?

Introduction to Genetics Video

Herdity Video from Leslie Sardinas on Vimeo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

How is an antigen involved in the immune response?

Click here for a short animation of how antigens stimulate antibody production. There are several other immune system animations on the right side of the page! Enjoy:)

Did you watch any of the other animations? If so, which ones were the most helpful or relevant?