Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stem Cell Research

Click here to read an article about stem cell research.

Click here to read an article by JDRF  (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) that explains how embryonic stem cells can be used in diabetes research.

What do you think about stem cell research? Is it ethical or unethical? Who should pay for this research - the government or private donations?


  1. Thanks for posting the articles on stem cells Leslie! Their really interesting!
    But I have a question, how long does a stem cell take to repair a damaged organ or tissue?

  2. That's sooo cool. Our bodies are so smart. Thanks for posting this!

  3. My Mom and I both agree that if the embryo isn't going to be born, or it might have serious health problems, we think it is better to just use the stem cells for other people who need help.

  4. i think it is soooo cool that stem cells can develop into any body cell in ur body! its ah-mazing tht such little cells can transform into a heart. it so wierd how the human body works...wait so stem cells can develop into any body cells because they are unspecialized and are still differientiating?

  5. i think its unethical if they take it from a developing embryo, but the reasearch is important, and if ppl dont think its unethical for us to test drugs and such on animals, y should it be unethical for us to do this on human life? tho i think both r rong. i also thing the government should pay for it and i agree with obamas health plans. private donations might misuse the money, and i think the government will be more careful with it.
    but thts just my opinion :)

  6. I think the paying for the research should be by private donations. What if the government thinks its unethical? Then why force them to pay for a study they dont support.

    I think its ethical because it would help us with many things. And its a dead embryo. Why you know "throw it out" when it could be used for the study of science. It'll only improve our lives!

  7. i think this is an amazing break through in science. They can now help someone who is paralyzed or who have brain damage. AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    -Peter Freitag 7E

  8. I'm kind of confused, I still don't really understand how our bodies can do this, it just doesn't make sense to me...ahhh.
    --Vera 7F

  9. i think that stem cell are so veratile and because of that it can help many people. I think it's ethical to do and continue stem reasearch because it's going to help people become more functional. I think that the government and private donations should pay for the research. The government has a lot of money, and although private donaters could misuse the money, because stem cells are very controversial and not many people will be willing to donate especially with the economy.
    But that's just my opinion

  10. so if your body needs more white blood cells your stem cells can just change into white blood cells? its cool how stem cells are unspecific and can be used to make other cells that your body needs

    -sophia m 7f

  11. I agree that stem cells are ethical. Who should fund the research? I don't know. It would definitely be better if government would fund it, but if they don't want to, then private funds will have to do.

  12. wow! stem cell research is so cool! I mean, i do feel a little iffy about taking stem cells from dead embryos, but it is so cool how scientists can use nuclear transfer to make a stem cell that is similar to an embryonic stem cell.

    it is so cool that scientists have made a group of heart cells that actually beat together! Maybe one day in the future, doctors will be able to implant heart valves made from human cells, instead of dead pig or cow ones. It would also solve a lot of medical problems-- my grandfather has an artificial heart valve and he has to take certain medicine to prevent his body from rejecting it.

    thanks for putting up these articles Leslie!

  13. I like how the stem cells can take the place of any other cell.
    It is just so interesting for me

  14. Stem cell research is one of the most debatable topics in science...Although it has many benifits it can lead to alot of complications

  15. I don't think that this is ethnically wrong because if you are going to save someone's life by not giving an embryo a life, I think that's better than giving an embryo a life and letting someone else who's already living suffer.

    -- Pia Koh 7B

  16. Stem cells are so cool. I fully support using stem cells from embryos; it would be selfish not too donate those stem cells if the embryo is dead.
    Do the parents even choose the donate stem cells if the embryo is dead???

  17. I have always been intrested in stem cell reasearch since the first time i heard about it through a TV show.

  18. I think it is so cool that stem cells can be used in so many different ways!

    Julia G. 7F

  19. Stem cells are so cool
    with more research they could cure a whole bunch of problems


  20. You know, they should just use the stem cells from unborn embryos if the parent chooses to donate them. People shouldn't go crazy over this being unethical. If they choose not to donate an embryo to science, then it's their decision. People should really mind their own business sometimes...

    Michael N. 7I

  21. I was reading an article on how people were against stem cell research. I'm definetly not against it. It's from fetuses that are deceased, but It can also help cure diseases and disorders that are incurable (so far). I think it's great that President Obama allowed stem cell research. It can help cure thousands.

  22. WOW! thats so cool! Scientists are definetly gaining a lot of new, important knowledge!
    -Monel Reina 7F

  23. I would go along with it. stem cells may save many lives. Also, it is part of the human kind at one point

  24. What we have discovered with stem cells is great!! I believe it will do lots of good around the world. I also agree that taking the cells from the embryos are ethical because they were either going to die or were donated to research. What's wrong with using embryos that people made the decision to donate them? It could end up saving a life, you know...
