Sunday, March 14, 2010

Click and Clone a Mouse

Click here to click and clone Mimi. This is the same animation we used in class.

Do you support cloning animals? Is it ethical? Why or why not?


  1. That's really cool. I wish I had a cloned brother.

    Zach 7E

  2. If scientists could clone a mouse could the scientists clone dinos?

    Zach 7E

  3. Whoa. Dinosaurs!!! Clone Dinosaurs!!!??? THAT WOULD BE THE MOST AWESOMEST THING EVER! OH YEAH! GODZILLA TIMES 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...etc,etc

  4. The click and clone animation was really helpful Leslie!
    Is cloning going to be on the quiz? We haven't learned about it yet.
    And the link for the click and clone animation isn't working, you have to remove the "beautifu" part of the address, then it will work. Keep the http part though.

  5. lol, i love animations

    -Gordon Yang

  6. Unfortunately, scientists can only clone living animals:(

    Owen - I fixed the link - thanks!

  7. tht was cool!! also, i thought how the surrogate mother was called "momi" which sounds like mommy, was really cute. i really dont think cloning is ethical tho. its discusting how most of the fruit we eat (if we dont buy it from an organic store) is cloned. bleugh.
    things should be allowed to be natural, otherwise how would evolution through mutations occur?....unless something went wrong with the cloning...
    p.s those little piglets are so cute!

  8. is it possible to declone an animal?

  9. Radhika - Fruit and vegetables from the grocery store are not GM or cloned. The FDA has not approved the sale of cloned fruit, vegs, or animals.

    You might want to watch out for products that are corn, soy, cotton, or canola based. This includes artificial sweeteners like corn syrup and soy lechtin or foods processed with corn, cotton seed, or canola oils. Also, often meat, like chicken, is often fed GM corn.

    Also be careful of milk or milk products that have been injected with rbGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone).

    When in doubt, go organic for meat, corn, and milk products.

    I just spent the afternoon reading, Your Right To Know, by Andrew Kimbrell (thanks, Anya!). It explained how genetic engineering is involved in the food and farming industry.

    Can anyone name foods that may have been GM because they contain corn, cotton seed, canola, or soy ingredients????

  10. If we can clone animals, why aren't we able to clone human beings? We don't appear to be that different since technicaly we're mamals. If humans can't be cloned, can apes? We supposedly (according to Darwin's theory of evolution)are evolved from the ape, so our DNA shouldn't be that much different, right?
    Further, if we ever figure out a way to clone humans, though it would be a huge scientific break-through, it would be highly unethical, since the origonal person could be confused with the clone, the clone could be treated badly, or when mistaken for the origonal person, do some act that is against the law. The possibilities are endless really. Due to my class not having learned much on cloning, will it be on the quiz on Tuesday? :)

    Erin Flynn 7H

  11. I didn't get to finish the worksheet in class, so now I got to finish it at home... thanks!

    About the question on cloning, I think that cloning animals isn't nessecarily a VERY good thing, but it does help us learn more about genetics and how we can control it. The bad thing about cloning is that some people use it for unnessecary and very bad purposes.

    Good question... it got me thinking.

  12. i think that cloning is a great idea. it would help create better animals, plants, any living thing! sure it might be "unethical" but it's also unethical to slow down the evolution of technology. ethics is just slowing us down.

  13. i know this is random, but last night i was thinking about the cloning thing, and i started to think about how cool life would be if i was walking a round with a mini me. =)
    -gabi g

  14. thanks for the animation and for what you told me during class. that helped my nerves. =)-gabi g

  15. i thought that they extracted dna from king tut so could they take dna from a dino and then clone the dna?

  16. i know this is the third time im commenting on this, but i just realized that the baby mouse was bprn the same day as me! july 20th! thats so cool!
    -gabi g

  17. Cloned bros are NOT cool. Bros are pains (and sisters too). Neither are dino clones. Mass destruction. You'll be dead if you're on the same continent with him within 10 days without a vehicle, weapon, or a mind control device.

    And thanks for the animation Leslie!

    What IS DE-cloning first of all?

    It's disgusting how we eat food that EAT the genetically engineered food. Shouldn't that loophole be addressed? EVERYTHING is artificial nowadays! Food, hair, superstars...
    *cough cough* like Megan Fox...

    Oh! Leslie - POTATO CHIPS and other deep fried snacks. Even BAKED snacks like goldfish and Lay's Just take a few seconds and scan the first few lines of the ingredient list of the nutrition facts - look for corn oil, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP and other soy/corn products. I'll try olive oil from now on Leslie! Thanks!

  18. Cloning Mimi is a lot of fun. Believe it or not, i've done it 5 times already! My sister has done it to, but she doesn't really get it...:)
    I think that cloning is ethical for endangered species, but if you clone something common, too much then it could affect the whole world.
    p.s. i wonder what it'd be like to clone me 16 times!
    It'd probably drive my parents nuts!

  19. hey leslie,
    to answer your questions, i do not support animal cloneing, only if its required 2 save that species. Like Dollys cloneing experiment, it killed 230 something sheep. I dont think ethical, but, thats just me, it is very smart, but i think nature is natural, and it should not be man-made

  20. I am against cloning. Sure, you can get an identical cloned animal, but is it really worth it? It took a lot of tries to clone Dolly. WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE OTHER ANIMALS??? THEY DIED!! It is not ethical, and trying to clone humans would be horrible. Juan Carlos, I must agree, it would be cool to have cloned dinosaurs, but how? There isn't much to clone WITH. No more dinosaurs.
    Thanks Leslie for posting the animation!

  21. yes natalie
    it might be possible

  22. There are alot of comments on this one!
    I did hear that they extracted live dna remanence from a t rex femur
    (thigh bone) and that it could be analyzed. But that could take a while.
    it is a really good article.

    matthew 7i

  23. This activity was verrrry fun!!! It also helped me understand this topic better...
    and cloning dinos would be awesome!!!

    ~Daniella 7F

  24. This activity was so helpful!!! i understand how they clone animals now! Yah.. oh and cloning dinos would be soooo cool but is sad its not possible :(
    Thanks Leslie!!!!

  25. I really liked that activity!!!
    I enjoyed it because it was a great visual!
    I understood everything!
    Thanks Leslie!

    P.S. I love the pic you used for your homework tab! Really cute!


  26. Yes!!
    This cloning activity was really very helpful!!
    The mice are soo cute....
    By the way the pic. of beagle on your hw tab is adorable!!

  27. This was ........ interesting. WEll it was and fun and understanding too.

  28. Cloning is pretty cool, but I don't know what it could be used for, except maybe help endangered species.. But then, all the animals would be the same, and that wouldn't be very fun. It's like eating the same thing everyday, very boring. (not that I would eat endangered animals).

  29. oopsies
    tee hee,
    i guess all the books and articles i read arent accurate!!

  30. ummm... i dont think this has to do with the whole cloning topic, but it kinda does.
    on eboard, leslie posted something about science-y books to read. i have this book from elementary school thats called "double identity", by margaret peterson haddix. its REALLY good and it has to do with genetics, not just realistic/science fiction. trust me, if you can get your hands on a copy, your going to enjoy it very much! this is about a clone living a life NOT knowing she's a clone... well, im not going to spoil the story!
    -emily lei 7H

  31. i know im commenting again, but its on the same topic as my comment before.
    there is also another book, called turnabout and by the same author. it is less complicated (cloning and stuff), but a fast-paced, action-filled novel. its about these two old ladies who are deteriorating--in age. theyre growing younger because some scientists changed(mutated) their genes. now theyre on this mission to find someone that would take care of them while theyre babies (before they die). its as good as "double identity", so brace yourself for another really good book!
    -emily lei 7H

  32. that's so cooool!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. I just thought of this question: which would be a better method to preserve a species: cloning or inbreeding?

  34. hmmmmmm, i wonder if maybe we could figure out how to clone extinct species..... that would be soooo cool. like when you clone the animal does it matter what animal cell you put it in and what animals womb? maybe we could clone extinct animals because they could put those animals in a different animals cell it would just be a little mutation in that one cell maybe that could be so cool. maybe we could bring extinct animals back to life. do you think that could work leslie?

  35. does cloning effect evoultion in the long world.

  36. The activity is very fun! I agree with Daniella. But, I don't really think that cloning is good. I think it's sort of sad...


  37. I know there have been a lot of comments since the one about cloning dinosaurs, but don't you think that if you took a dino cell from a dinosaur bone, moved the nucleus into the egg cell of ,say an elephant (or a big enough animal) and then transplanted that into the elephant, that we could have a baby dinosaur in a couple months?

  38. This was fun
    Thanks Leslie~!

  39. that was actually pretty fun, but im sure its much harder in real life
    i don't think cloning animals is ethical, or even humans
    humans like individuality. its sort of annoying when people say, "O, __________, u look just like ur mom/dad!" imagining how annoying it would be if you looked exactly like them
    plus there would be no males in the world.
    so tempting...

  40. When we did the cloning in class, I understood a little, but up close, I understood more and actually had fun! But in real life, it must have been frustrating for the scientists to clone an animal.

  41. This was really helpful!!! i'm clear on how they clone animals now!
    Thanks Leslie!!!! :)

  42. This was really really helpful! Thanks for posting it up!
    --Vera Rees 7F

  43. to answer owen's question:
    i think that cloning is a better way to preserve a species (just my opinion, anyone can diagree) because the steps and overall procedure is pretty easy. if we were allowed to actually clone endamgered species, that would be really cool1 i mean, if we could clone polar bears or eagles, it would help a lot... too bad we can only clone mice and sheep...
    well, if someone cloned a dinosaur and brought them "to life", how would the world react? i mean, its probably gonna eat everyone up... really dangerous! i hope that someone finds a way to clone endangered species because it would be TERRIBLE if a species was wiped out because of humans.
    - emily lei 7H

  44. Have scientists found out how to clone humans yet?
    And also are there many restrictions on cloning in the US and other countries?

  45. I don't think cloning is very ethical since so many die in the process. But if cloning becomes very successful in the future it can really contribute to society.

  46. In the future would it be possible to clone inanimate objects like a building, so that people wouldn't have to reconstruct it?

    - Pia Koh 7B

  47. I cloned a brown mouse! this is pretty cool!
    -Jonathan Alony

  48. Cloning is cool!
    This helped so much!
    Thanks Leslie!
