Are you still having trouble understanding dichotomous keys? If you need extra practice, try to identify the microscopic organisms found in the Chesapeake Bay.
Click on, "What are these things?"
Wait a minute. Ligers?Grolar Bears? Wholphins? How would Carlos Linnaeus classify these organisms? Do they contradict what he believed about classification? Do you know of any other hybrid crosses? Tell me what you think! Want to see more? (Thanks Radhika!)
Welcome students and parents! This is the first time I am using a blog in my classroom, so please be patient as I figure things out.
I would like to use this website as a way for students to share research, information, and helpful websites about the living environment curriculum. If you find anything biology related, please share! Parents, if you would like to post as a guest blogger, please contact me. See eboard for my email address.